Rubylane is allowing sellers to list artist dolls, and dolls that were not made by them, they were mamde by other artists, these sellers on ruby lane are thieves, and buying dolls and othe else where and taking the credit for it, no crediting the artist. Whe you contact ruby lane there copywirte infrigement, they email you back with a bunch of nonsense and garble that you have to cointatc the seller, well i did, and the seller doesnt care a stitch, she was contaced by phone and ny email, and notifed she was reported, too often these theives are stealing from artists, whther they buy on etsy, ebay or another cource and reselling,
here is a example
this mary hersh/lydia hersh bought a doll on another venue from me, and they are reselling without giving credit to me, the artist
this link is the thieving seller that is reselling my art
Artist Gypsy Doll - Ruby Lane
she was confronted by phone and email, she gave some lame excuse and still hasnt changed the lisitng, ruby lane was contacted and still they give you the runnaround, they are not protecting artists rights, artists hould not have to jumpr through hoops to get ther eart protected, and when you sumbit proof like i did, that should be enough to remove the seller and or item on rubylane
Ruby Lane, Inc. Reviews
Rubylane is allowing sellers to list artist dolls, and dolls that were not made by them, they were mamde by other artists, these sellers on ruby lane are thieves, and buying dolls and othe else where and taking the credit for it, no crediting the artist. Whe you contact ruby lane there copywirte infrigement, they email you back with a bunch of nonsense and garble that you have to cointatc the seller, well i did, and the seller doesnt care a stitch, she was contaced by phone and ny email, and notifed she was reported, too often these theives are stealing from artists, whther they buy on etsy, ebay or another cource and reselling,
here is a example
this mary hersh/lydia hersh bought a doll on another venue from me, and they are reselling without giving credit to me, the artist
this link is the thieving seller that is reselling my art
Artist Gypsy Doll - Ruby Lane
she was confronted by phone and email, she gave some lame excuse and still hasnt changed the lisitng, ruby lane was contacted and still they give you the runnaround, they are not protecting artists rights, artists hould not have to jumpr through hoops to get ther eart protected, and when you sumbit proof like i did, that should be enough to remove the seller and or item on rubylane