Rosenthal discriminates against bands of color table musicians to perform at the wine tasting room with the bands and they rarely give callbacks to any bands with African-American members . At times they will allow bands with African-American members but they will discourage it every step of the way if they can help it the only time I seem to get on their stage now is if I am accompanying a band that is predominately white . I heard that most of the wineries in that area are the same way but I will investigate Malibu wines next .
Rosenthal Wine Bar & Patio Reviews
Rosenthal discriminates against bands of color table musicians to perform at the wine tasting room with the bands and they rarely give callbacks to any bands with African-American members . At times they will allow bands with African-American members but they will discourage it every step of the way if they can help it the only time I seem to get on their stage now is if I am accompanying a band that is predominately white . I heard that most of the wineries in that area are the same way but I will investigate Malibu wines next .