After working on a couple jobs Ron would have me pick up materials and pay me right away. He did this and would say I appreciate all your doing, and my response was" don't tell me, show me"" rubbing my thumb and fingers in a manner meaning cash. .... He stretched me where I was broke and then found out he collected on two jobs ... The customers raised hell and he bad mouthed me, so I went to the customers who were very pleased with me.... Not with Ron
Ron Aldarondo Reviews
After working on a couple jobs Ron would have me pick up materials and pay me right away. He did this and would say I appreciate all your doing, and my response was" don't tell me, show me"" rubbing my thumb and fingers in a manner meaning cash. .... He stretched me where I was broke and then found out he collected on two jobs ... The customers raised hell and he bad mouthed me, so I went to the customers who were very pleased with me.... Not with Ron