It's Free! Company Name or Report # SEARCH Latest Reports Advanced Search Your New Report #1440594 Write your Report Title: Working Report Title This is what your title looks like so far Roland police chief Thomas Sessoms officer Chris's waters Gina Cox municipal Court clerk ADMISTRATIVE law judge all jail staff who refused medical treatment and violating civil and Constitional Rights to a disabled person This is a formal open records request regarding the unlawful arrest of Kevin Ehrenworth please provide all camera footage from officer Chris's waters bodycam and dashcam video and audio as well any and all complaints filed against this officer I have the recording of the illegal Terry stop and my constitutional rights were violated furthermore I was tried and held/ kidnapped for fifteen days requesting medical treatment that was refused as well I was refused paper and pencil to file a timely appeal the law for appeal was ten days and your staff should be admonished also I AM requesting all complaints against the chief of police and the shill court in a church with your jurrisdiction being a painted square you can search you tube as the video has over 8,000 veiws if you do not comply a federal district lawsuit will be filed against all parties involved my federal rights were violated I never joindered with you furthermore your clerk Gina Cox entered me under duress into an illegal contract signed in flourecent orange then floutrsent blue ink if you do not provide these records a subpoena will be issued against all parties involved including your admistrative judge. There was an illegal search and seizure of my vehicle he told me so many different lies so the video will prove that I was profiled by your officer refused health care put into a freezing room with two pulmonary embolism and dental issues as well im requesting the footage audio and video be synced and certified as well the actual detention at your facility I am also stating that my fee schedule was take by officer waters there was an internal video unit in the vehicle showing him ransacking my vehicle no mirranda just threats from this officer. You have thirty days to respond furthermore I am demanding the officers oath bond and surety location for inspection and who is the insurance provider for this department. Under ok stautes these are public records as well I was lied to by your clerk regarding compling with payment and suspension I have investigated the ongoing fraud perpetrated by the town of Roland please provide me fingerprints and any /all recotfs of arrest any state or federal databases used as what you did to me is and was under the color of law. My civil rights were violated by waters sessoms a second officer who refused to I'd himself who detained me while officer waters illegally searched my car without permission he could have called a k9 unit but refused a supervisor was requested and denied as waters said he was the supervisor another lie I furthermore stated I wouldn't answer any questions as is my rights and officer waters then charged me unlawfully stating I will charge you with as many charges as I can think of and removed me from my vehicle without cause I provided my DL and insurance as well my registration he stated he pulled me over first because I had a hairline crack on my windshield well below any visual obstruction I can show five hours of video showing no violations officer waters conduct was unbecoming and threatening furthermore I can prove he stole a signed fee schedule from the secretary of state of Arkansas from my locked glovebox that required a search warrant when I was finally released as I was refused counsil and a jury trial which by ok law is my right because I was held in jail not allowed can phone call and my mother drove ten hours only to be told sessoms hours were Saturday 8 am to 9 am only I was not advised my mother attempted to have me released. I am requesting any/ all documents be electronically furnished if need be a flash drive will be provided I am requesting also lawsuits and complaints filed against officer waters badge number 3 and chife of police Tommy sessoms . I also state these records are for the public good and a formal letter of complaint will follow regarding my video corrupt Roland officer Chris waters and his backup officer please provide me a fee schedule for these records any threats by this department twords myself will be met with all the strength of the law of the land im also stating he had no subject matter jurrisdiction this was questioned both to the officer and the kangaroo court where nobody wins I expect my property to be returned there is more video that has not been posted . Thank you for your service to all Violated my civil/ constitutional rights illegal arrest and not allowed to appeal held without fingerprints totally illegal organization Roland, Oklohoma
Roland Police Chief Thomas Sessoms Reviews
It's Free! Company Name or Report # SEARCH Latest Reports Advanced Search Your New Report #1440594 Write your Report Title: Working Report Title This is what your title looks like so far Roland police chief Thomas Sessoms officer Chris's waters Gina Cox municipal Court clerk ADMISTRATIVE law judge all jail staff who refused medical treatment and violating civil and Constitional Rights to a disabled person This is a formal open records request regarding the unlawful arrest of Kevin Ehrenworth please provide all camera footage from officer Chris's waters bodycam and dashcam video and audio as well any and all complaints filed against this officer I have the recording of the illegal Terry stop and my constitutional rights were violated furthermore I was tried and held/ kidnapped for fifteen days requesting medical treatment that was refused as well I was refused paper and pencil to file a timely appeal the law for appeal was ten days and your staff should be admonished also I AM requesting all complaints against the chief of police and the shill court in a church with your jurrisdiction being a painted square you can search you tube as the video has over 8,000 veiws if you do not comply a federal district lawsuit will be filed against all parties involved my federal rights were violated I never joindered with you furthermore your clerk Gina Cox entered me under duress into an illegal contract signed in flourecent orange then floutrsent blue ink if you do not provide these records a subpoena will be issued against all parties involved including your admistrative judge. There was an illegal search and seizure of my vehicle he told me so many different lies so the video will prove that I was profiled by your officer refused health care put into a freezing room with two pulmonary embolism and dental issues as well im requesting the footage audio and video be synced and certified as well the actual detention at your facility I am also stating that my fee schedule was take by officer waters there was an internal video unit in the vehicle showing him ransacking my vehicle no mirranda just threats from this officer. You have thirty days to respond furthermore I am demanding the officers oath bond and surety location for inspection and who is the insurance provider for this department. Under ok stautes these are public records as well I was lied to by your clerk regarding compling with payment and suspension I have investigated the ongoing fraud perpetrated by the town of Roland please provide me fingerprints and any /all recotfs of arrest any state or federal databases used as what you did to me is and was under the color of law. My civil rights were violated by waters sessoms a second officer who refused to I'd himself who detained me while officer waters illegally searched my car without permission he could have called a k9 unit but refused a supervisor was requested and denied as waters said he was the supervisor another lie I furthermore stated I wouldn't answer any questions as is my rights and officer waters then charged me unlawfully stating I will charge you with as many charges as I can think of and removed me from my vehicle without cause I provided my DL and insurance as well my registration he stated he pulled me over first because I had a hairline crack on my windshield well below any visual obstruction I can show five hours of video showing no violations officer waters conduct was unbecoming and threatening furthermore I can prove he stole a signed fee schedule from the secretary of state of Arkansas from my locked glovebox that required a search warrant when I was finally released as I was refused counsil and a jury trial which by ok law is my right because I was held in jail not allowed can phone call and my mother drove ten hours only to be told sessoms hours were Saturday 8 am to 9 am only I was not advised my mother attempted to have me released. I am requesting any/ all documents be electronically furnished if need be a flash drive will be provided I am requesting also lawsuits and complaints filed against officer waters badge number 3 and chife of police Tommy sessoms . I also state these records are for the public good and a formal letter of complaint will follow regarding my video corrupt Roland officer Chris waters and his backup officer please provide me a fee schedule for these records any threats by this department twords myself will be met with all the strength of the law of the land im also stating he had no subject matter jurrisdiction this was questioned both to the officer and the kangaroo court where nobody wins I expect my property to be returned there is more video that has not been posted . Thank you for your service to all Violated my civil/ constitutional rights illegal arrest and not allowed to appeal held without fingerprints totally illegal organization Roland, Oklohoma