A payday loan stating it was unpaid when I referred to needing additional information they where vague and only provided the month and year. I requested where it was done, date and original amount. They did not reply and I referred them back to the people I had dealt with at advance America and the town that I used in the past and they responded by stating it was unpaid only and how do I want to settle it. I told them I would provide the judge that they refused to provide that information to me when they took me to court.
Roger Clark Reviews
A payday loan stating it was unpaid when I referred to needing additional information they where vague and only provided the month and year. I requested where it was done, date and original amount. They did not reply and I referred them back to the people I had dealt with at advance America and the town that I used in the past and they responded by stating it was unpaid only and how do I want to settle it. I told them I would provide the judge that they refused to provide that information to me when they took me to court.