I hired Ribkin Co. for 2 separate jobs, staining the back yard and front yard. Igor first came to the initial consultation, then sent his son Alex to do the work. All sales pitch and only about the dime, they tried to sell the most expensive product and claim its the best weather resistant and with warranty. The job was complete and less than 2 months the stain was peeling, no adverse conditions existed in fact little sun, however, the product in fact was not durable. Both my front and back yard are in need of restaining and touch up yet there is no return calls or consideration to honor the actual warranty. This company is only after the bottom line dollar, and is on the high side with prices, they lack quality and customer service. Its not about a one time deal, its long term relationship when they leave what is the guarantee? absolutely nothing as proven in my case. will never use them again. I paid all cash. PS I let Alex show his potential customers the job done at my backyard and all his conversation was about is how to gouge them for a higher price. 1 star, beware.
Ribkin's Company, Inc. Reviews
I hired Ribkin Co. for 2 separate jobs, staining the back yard and front yard. Igor first came to the initial consultation, then sent his son Alex to do the work. All sales pitch and only about the dime, they tried to sell the most expensive product and claim its the best weather resistant and with warranty. The job was complete and less than 2 months the stain was peeling, no adverse conditions existed in fact little sun, however, the product in fact was not durable. Both my front and back yard are in need of restaining and touch up yet there is no return calls or consideration to honor the actual warranty. This company is only after the bottom line dollar, and is on the high side with prices, they lack quality and customer service. Its not about a one time deal, its long term relationship when they leave what is the guarantee? absolutely nothing as proven in my case. will never use them again. I paid all cash. PS I let Alex show his potential customers the job done at my backyard and all his conversation was about is how to gouge them for a higher price. 1 star, beware.
Igor Ribkin 661-547-4848 [email protected]
Alex Ribkin 661-547-3335 [email protected]