Reza Jabarzade hit my Porsche 911 in the parking garage of my building. Hes an idiot and was driving with his windows up and they are about 2% tinted and going about 30 mph in a parking garage. He cut a sharp turn and ran right into my car. Not only did this sleezy loser who dirves his girls car lie to his insurance company he claimed I hit him and he knows good and well what happen he ran into me because he cant drive.
His insurance company belived him and didn't pay for the damage to my car because he lied. Its people like him who are the problem. This dude dresses like a highschool kid and looks like one to, hes incompentant and a liar. I wouldnt trust this guy with anything. I hear hes a real estate agent, wouldn't trust him with that either.
Reza Jabarzade Reviews
Reza Jabarzade hit my Porsche 911 in the parking garage of my building. Hes an idiot and was driving with his windows up and they are about 2% tinted and going about 30 mph in a parking garage. He cut a sharp turn and ran right into my car. Not only did this sleezy loser who dirves his girls car lie to his insurance company he claimed I hit him and he knows good and well what happen he ran into me because he cant drive.
His insurance company belived him and didn't pay for the damage to my car because he lied. Its people like him who are the problem. This dude dresses like a highschool kid and looks like one to, hes incompentant and a liar. I wouldnt trust this guy with anything. I hear hes a real estate agent, wouldn't trust him with that either.