Frauds from the first screen! Baited you by offering there creams for postage only, because they had alimited supply for testers! Screen said " retail price $99.95, your Price $0.00, only 3 samples left! So, you go through and pay the shipping costs which avg $4-$5, now they have attached not one, but 2 samples to your order! Then you get these two samples two to three weeks later, then, you get billed at $97 each and your own credit card company can't help you, because you couldn't see the small writing on the black part of the page telling you the entire thing was a gimmick as well as bait and switch! When I phones the company, I could hear several phone conversations in a call center trying to explain the same BS to everyone! Phones ringing off the hook! Now, as I look back, seemed too good to be true, however they were very convincing and preyed on women like me who genuinely cannot afford to spend a $100 each for this nasty cream. I will never trust any one again, and can't believe I now have to pay for this. I work 77 hours a week, and this has cost me twofold.
Refreshe Derma Reviews
Frauds from the first screen! Baited you by offering there creams for postage only, because they had alimited supply for testers! Screen said " retail price $99.95, your Price $0.00, only 3 samples left! So, you go through and pay the shipping costs which avg $4-$5, now they have attached not one, but 2 samples to your order! Then you get these two samples two to three weeks later, then, you get billed at $97 each and your own credit card company can't help you, because you couldn't see the small writing on the black part of the page telling you the entire thing was a gimmick as well as bait and switch! When I phones the company, I could hear several phone conversations in a call center trying to explain the same BS to everyone! Phones ringing off the hook! Now, as I look back, seemed too good to be true, however they were very convincing and preyed on women like me who genuinely cannot afford to spend a $100 each for this nasty cream. I will never trust any one again, and can't believe I now have to pay for this. I work 77 hours a week, and this has cost me twofold.