After my disappointment with the Board, I became part of the board, I was concerned over the dismal, delapitated condition of the community, worsening every day. But soon I would have to deal with the community association manager, who allied with the other two board members. She gave the other board members bad advice or no advice. The benefits for Real Management was financially overwhelming, as a small HOA, Real Managment gets a large portion of the Assesments and does not do much, the other two board members, were unaware of the charges and various variances of charges submitted by this person. Her boss was even worse.
A few months ago, it was discovered they were both leaving the company, with no mention as to the reason.
The company touts, comprehensive community managment solutions, yet charges the HOA by the second for routine phone calls, emergency or after hours phone call are charged from $150.
00 to $200.00 an hr to take a phone call. This does not include the actual emergency.
Real Managment did nothing to help with the problems within the community, such as non-maintenance, or lack of reserve funds. They just monthly took their big chunk of fees for whatever they could come up with.
RealManage Reviews
After my disappointment with the Board, I became part of the board, I was concerned over the dismal, delapitated condition of the community, worsening every day. But soon I would have to deal with the community association manager, who allied with the other two board members. She gave the other board members bad advice or no advice. The benefits for Real Management was financially overwhelming, as a small HOA, Real Managment gets a large portion of the Assesments and does not do much, the other two board members, were unaware of the charges and various variances of charges submitted by this person. Her boss was even worse.
A few months ago, it was discovered they were both leaving the company, with no mention as to the reason.
The company touts, comprehensive community managment solutions, yet charges the HOA by the second for routine phone calls, emergency or after hours phone call are charged from $150.
00 to $200.00 an hr to take a phone call. This does not include the actual emergency.
Real Managment did nothing to help with the problems within the community, such as non-maintenance, or lack of reserve funds. They just monthly took their big chunk of fees for whatever they could come up with.