I purchased a Notre Dame football helmet from them and it had damage to the face mask and had poor decal placement and cutting. I returned the item and paid for return shipping because the seller didn't provide a return label. eBay requires the seller to cover return costs. He ignored all of my messages and eBay did nothing, because they protect sellers with a certain level of sails. They have also been known not to post negative feedback against these sellers. Seller is rude and has zero class or tact. Buy elsewhere!
Real Stuff Sports Reviews
I purchased a Notre Dame football helmet from them and it had damage to the face mask and had poor decal placement and cutting. I returned the item and paid for return shipping because the seller didn't provide a return label. eBay requires the seller to cover return costs. He ignored all of my messages and eBay did nothing, because they protect sellers with a certain level of sails. They have also been known not to post negative feedback against these sellers. Seller is rude and has zero class or tact. Buy elsewhere!