David John Bukoski, also known as DJ Bukoski or Dave Bukoski, is a wanna be hacker who spends his time online performing various criminal acts, and typically failing at them. Among David's skills are lying about his skills, ddosing using carded Ecatel servers, and being laughed at by anyone with an IQ higher than 95. David is a rip off artist at heart, making various outlandish promises and failing to back them up. He also fails to report quite a large sum of income that he makes online each year to the IRS. Online, his alises include "mbru", "maniac", "quantumbooter", and "Kungfu", an alias typically associated with Minecraft.
David John Bukoski, also known as DJ Bukoski or Dave Bukoski, is a wanna be hacker who spends his time online performing various criminal acts, and typically failing at them. Among David's skills are lying about his skills, ddosing using carded Ecatel servers, and being laughed at by anyone with an IQ higher than 95. David is a rip off artist at heart, making various outlandish promises and failing to back them up. He also fails to report quite a large sum of income that he makes online each year to the IRS. Online, his alises include "mbru", "maniac", "quantumbooter", and "Kungfu", an alias typically associated with Minecraft.