Myself and over 100 other workers worked hours on end bringing in referrals so that companies could place their ads on people Facebook we brought them in, ads were placed and we were told they were flagged that way we didn't get paid for them. Then the ones we were able to get paid for we never got paid for. We kept hearing excuses about banks having the checks on the hold and to this day we still have not been paid.
Promised over $1200 paid over 6 mo. for FB study to gain access to fb admanager and exploit your business page for their own profit.but when its time to pay, they just flag your ad,all the while they have full control and continue to profit by illegally advertising on your fb page.
Quantum Media Reviews
Myself and over 100 other workers worked hours on end bringing in referrals so that companies could place their ads on people Facebook we brought them in, ads were placed and we were told they were flagged that way we didn't get paid for them. Then the ones we were able to get paid for we never got paid for. We kept hearing excuses about banks having the checks on the hold and to this day we still have not been paid.
Promised over $1200 paid over 6 mo. for FB study to gain access to fb admanager and exploit your business page for their own profit.but when its time to pay, they just flag your ad,all the while they have full control and continue to profit by illegally advertising on your fb page.