I made mistakes when I was younger and paid for my mistakes. I have spent many many years rebuilding my life, creating a good life for my children, and I have dedicated every waking minute to being a positive role model. Finally have a rewarding career and 8 months into it, along comes a coworker who Google my name and located my ENTIRE court case on this plainsite.org I'm unable to contact anyone, unable to request this be removed, I know it's public record, but to go and make it the #1 listing is unfair to the civil liberties I regained.
PLS Insights Reviews
I made mistakes when I was younger and paid for my mistakes. I have spent many many years rebuilding my life, creating a good life for my children, and I have dedicated every waking minute to being a positive role model. Finally have a rewarding career and 8 months into it, along comes a coworker who Google my name and located my ENTIRE court case on this plainsite.org I'm unable to contact anyone, unable to request this be removed, I know it's public record, but to go and make it the #1 listing is unfair to the civil liberties I regained.