This company discriminates, steals from its employees through wage theft and retaliates whenever the supervisors make mistakes. The management is poor and immature. You’ve been warned about this company. I’ve witnessed managers with no experience get promoted. My manager is immature who scapegoats people who knows how to their job better than the leads because they lied on their resume. They annoy the clients and try to pass it off as someone else’s mistake. The head of Human Resources gaslights anyone who is ethnically diverse and over qualified and would rather hire people with zero experience. Shame on Ali sajhadi.
Pixelogic Media Reviews
This company discriminates, steals from its employees through wage theft and retaliates whenever the supervisors make mistakes. The management is poor and immature. You’ve been warned about this company. I’ve witnessed managers with no experience get promoted. My manager is immature who scapegoats people who knows how to their job better than the leads because they lied on their resume. They annoy the clients and try to pass it off as someone else’s mistake. The head of Human Resources gaslights anyone who is ethnically diverse and over qualified and would rather hire people with zero experience. Shame on Ali sajhadi.