Check your credit card charges closely. You will sometimes get double billed or just have added charges to people that they don't think check their statements. They hide behind strong family values.
There's no question that Dennis and Kevin are not part of this, but Annie and her group of cronies will do everything possible to increase your bill without even informing you. And then once you leave, they'll throw on an additional charge. Quite the racket. I've known Annie since high school, and she's always been quite the bully, and she runs the place like she's some Mafia bully. But she has the girls working the customers, and the charges get inflated.
I'm keeping a close eye on this so as to create a class action lawsuit. Also, tell me how you can put halibut on your menu for two years, while still serving cod? It's just one big sales hustle to Annie. She cares not about the customer but only about making money and keeping an iron first on her employees.
Pine Lake Ale House Reviews
Check your credit card charges closely. You will sometimes get double billed or just have added charges to people that they don't think check their statements. They hide behind strong family values.
There's no question that Dennis and Kevin are not part of this, but Annie and her group of cronies will do everything possible to increase your bill without even informing you. And then once you leave, they'll throw on an additional charge. Quite the racket. I've known Annie since high school, and she's always been quite the bully, and she runs the place like she's some Mafia bully. But she has the girls working the customers, and the charges get inflated.
I'm keeping a close eye on this so as to create a class action lawsuit. Also, tell me how you can put halibut on your menu for two years, while still serving cod? It's just one big sales hustle to Annie. She cares not about the customer but only about making money and keeping an iron first on her employees.