I walked in with my family carrying two water bottles; I was immediately stopped by "Paul Blart" who said that I could not bring any beverages into the theatre. I explained that I understood, but that it was just water, I showed her the water; She looked at me with annoyance and proceeded to tell me that water is not allowed anymore. I asked water? In disbelif. She said: Yes. She said we have water cups that you can have. I responded by saying that I would have to interrupt the movie several times just to keep filling up the water. She said I could buy water. I said for how much? 7 dollars. No thank you. IT IS COMPLETELY SAD THAT THEY JUST CARE ABOUT MONEY. ITS WATER PEOPLE. WATER. AND NOW I HAVE TO PAY 7 DOLLARS FOR WATER.
Picture Show Entertainment Reviews
I walked in with my family carrying two water bottles; I was immediately stopped by "Paul Blart" who said that I could not bring any beverages into the theatre. I explained that I understood, but that it was just water, I showed her the water; She looked at me with annoyance and proceeded to tell me that water is not allowed anymore. I asked water? In disbelif. She said: Yes. She said we have water cups that you can have. I responded by saying that I would have to interrupt the movie several times just to keep filling up the water. She said I could buy water. I said for how much? 7 dollars. No thank you. IT IS COMPLETELY SAD THAT THEY JUST CARE ABOUT MONEY. ITS WATER PEOPLE. WATER. AND NOW I HAVE TO PAY 7 DOLLARS FOR WATER.