I got ripped off twice, after a friend recomended me to a site called PHARMACEUTICALNEEDS for people affected by the opioids crisis, or those who cant get insurance or those who have been abruptly cut off thier medication, i went online and fell in the wrong hands for several times, till she finally gave me the site link herself. I ordered and got my package yesterday. If you have been roccomended PHARMACEUTICALNEEDS, thier real website is pharmaceuticalneeds.com and there are several people pretending to be them becuase they are legit, using thier repution to ripp the poor and sick. I hope this Helps some one.
Pharmaceutical Needs Reviews
I got ripped off twice, after a friend recomended me to a site called PHARMACEUTICALNEEDS for people affected by the opioids crisis, or those who cant get insurance or those who have been abruptly cut off thier medication, i went online and fell in the wrong hands for several times, till she finally gave me the site link herself. I ordered and got my package yesterday. If you have been roccomended PHARMACEUTICALNEEDS, thier real website is pharmaceuticalneeds.com and there are several people pretending to be them becuase they are legit, using thier repution to ripp the poor and sick. I hope this Helps some one.
Real or fake
What is the real website