This company (or individuals) are crooks. They have an impressive web sight. I ordered a replica Rolex for my wife. They get paid via Western Union. They are located in South Africa.
You pay Western Union and they pick up the money (in their currency) once you give them the info from Western Union. They sent me an email thanking me for the payment and said I would get the watch in four days (I paid extra for fast delivery).
That was over two weeks ago. I have sent numerous emails which they do not answer. Lesson learned! Do not pay cash. Use your credit card so you can dispute any problems! Reviews
This company (or individuals) are crooks. They have an impressive web sight. I ordered a replica Rolex for my wife. They get paid via Western Union. They are located in South Africa.
You pay Western Union and they pick up the money (in their currency) once you give them the info from Western Union. They sent me an email thanking me for the payment and said I would get the watch in four days (I paid extra for fast delivery).
That was over two weeks ago. I have sent numerous emails which they do not answer. Lesson learned! Do not pay cash. Use your credit card so you can dispute any problems!