You take out student loans to help you pay for school. If you have any loan money left over you can't get it until you are done with school. Once you finish there program and ask about your balance it is a problem. No one wants to talk to you, you get the run around and finally they tell you that they used your loan money first and the grant money was used last, and the only way you can get it back is by getting a letter from the grant place saying you can keep the grant money. Grant money is for classes and books, who is going to sign a letter for that? Grants are always used first, then loan money. If you have a balance over it should come to you or you can send it back to the balance of your loans. PCCTI is keeping the money. So know, I still have to pay my loan back and PCCTI keeps the money. This needs to be brought to someon',s attention.
PCCTI IT & Healthcare Reviews
You take out student loans to help you pay for school. If you have any loan money left over you can't get it until you are done with school. Once you finish there program and ask about your balance it is a problem. No one wants to talk to you, you get the run around and finally they tell you that they used your loan money first and the grant money was used last, and the only way you can get it back is by getting a letter from the grant place saying you can keep the grant money. Grant money is for classes and books, who is going to sign a letter for that? Grants are always used first, then loan money. If you have a balance over it should come to you or you can send it back to the balance of your loans. PCCTI is keeping the money. So know, I still have to pay my loan back and PCCTI keeps the money. This needs to be brought to someon',s attention.