On February 20 2018. Noreen Bristow RN and Pat LCSW kept me in a room yelling bullying cursing at me. When i tried to leave Pat blocked the door. This clinic has staff who are very much lost in space. Noreen is a very large women who is a bully and thinks her size is a deter. Pat on the other hand is a cinical evil person who doesn't do her job. Owen Clinic is the worst. 4 office managers in 5 years is a sign of the lack of customer service. Demanding Bullies Rude as all hell.
Owen Clinic Reviews
On February 20 2018. Noreen Bristow RN and Pat LCSW kept me in a room yelling bullying cursing at me. When i tried to leave Pat blocked the door. This clinic has staff who are very much lost in space. Noreen is a very large women who is a bully and thinks her size is a deter. Pat on the other hand is a cinical evil person who doesn't do her job. Owen Clinic is the worst. 4 office managers in 5 years is a sign of the lack of customer service. Demanding Bullies Rude as all hell.