JEFF and his team believes rules are for everyone but Jeffry. He LOVES LOVES LOVES to dominate on Craigslist. For those who aren’t aware, Craig offers FREE classifieds with a few rules such as one post per item. JEFF ignores rules and insists on posting several ads even tho ppl have complained. It’s this reason alone I’d never do business with this arrogant dude. He truly believes if he posts 100 ads you won’t be able to find the competition. Please don’t give this guy money. He’s proving to everyone he’s just not credible nor does he seem to value integrity.
Oregon West RV Reviews
JEFF and his team believes rules are for everyone but Jeffry. He LOVES LOVES LOVES to dominate on Craigslist. For those who aren’t aware, Craig offers FREE classifieds with a few rules such as one post per item. JEFF ignores rules and insists on posting several ads even tho ppl have complained. It’s this reason alone I’d never do business with this arrogant dude. He truly believes if he posts 100 ads you won’t be able to find the competition. Please don’t give this guy money. He’s proving to everyone he’s just not credible nor does he seem to value integrity.