So jordon called me on saturday for an interview,i called him back on tues nov 1,2022. He told he could do the interview at 5:00 pm. I went to the interview at 5:00 pm and it was about how to get started with online team builders. Sent me a link to my phone for training and a free trail for the system to train me,and that system is automic to get new bussiness prospects and consumers. False employment and if this was a real employment opportunity you would get paid for sitting and filling out a form and for the training. Eight hours training and i find out in order to make any money you have to purchase essante products one for 199.00 or one for 499.00. Also online ladder of bussiness partners,consumer's. Their text you a password to the training and their program.
Online Team Builders Reviews
So jordon called me on saturday for an interview,i called him back on tues nov 1,2022. He told he could do the interview at 5:00 pm. I went to the interview at 5:00 pm and it was about how to get started with online team builders. Sent me a link to my phone for training and a free trail for the system to train me,and that system is automic to get new bussiness prospects and consumers. False employment and if this was a real employment opportunity you would get paid for sitting and filling out a form and for the training. Eight hours training and i find out in order to make any money you have to purchase essante products one for 199.00 or one for 499.00. Also online ladder of bussiness partners,consumer's. Their text you a password to the training and their program.