Lie, charge very high rates, not let me pay off, will not return title, collected overpayment, will not provide accounting of payment or charges, sold fake insurance, tried to trick me into another loan, will not close loan until they get to try and trick me into another loan, charging me payments, interest and fees for a zero balance due.
Change accounting numbers on payment website to appear to owe more, program website to not let you pay off. Not reaspond to request for pay off statement, accounting statment or return of car title. Overcharge me and not return those funds.
OneMain Holdings, Inc. Reviews
Lie, charge very high rates, not let me pay off, will not return title, collected overpayment, will not provide accounting of payment or charges, sold fake insurance, tried to trick me into another loan, will not close loan until they get to try and trick me into another loan, charging me payments, interest and fees for a zero balance due.
Change accounting numbers on payment website to appear to owe more, program website to not let you pay off. Not reaspond to request for pay off statement, accounting statment or return of car title. Overcharge me and not return those funds.