Omar Salaymeh sells cars for Chicago motor cars. Complete scum bag. Sleeps with guys wives and giflfriends and is herpes positive spreading this around the chicagoland area! He uses his overweight unhealthy frenchy to scam foundations and to sleep wtih underage girls and married women! Do not buy cars or let your wife or lady near this tool. He even got cosmetic surgery, Fake abs (which look terrible). Hes all about cheating his way through life and burning others to get ahead! I cant believe Chicago Motor cars even let him still work there tarnishing the companies repuation!
Omar Salaymeh Reviews
Omar Salaymeh sells cars for Chicago motor cars. Complete scum bag. Sleeps with guys wives and giflfriends and is herpes positive spreading this around the chicagoland area! He uses his overweight unhealthy frenchy to scam foundations and to sleep wtih underage girls and married women! Do not buy cars or let your wife or lady near this tool. He even got cosmetic surgery, Fake abs (which look terrible). Hes all about cheating his way through life and burning others to get ahead! I cant believe Chicago Motor cars even let him still work there tarnishing the companies repuation!