Internet promotion describes ebook (Carnivore's Bible) of suposedly old-time food prep and storage for $36.69 Once you agree to pay they pass you on to another page offering an up-sell to several other survival type "reports" (Carnivore's Bible Platinum Package) in which the wording decieves one to believe that the up-grade is rolled in for a new price of $47. Actually, when you have paid, it is revealed that the up-sell is an entirely separte charge added on to the origional $36 purchace for a new total of $83. BEWARE.
Old Time Wisdom Reviews
Internet promotion describes ebook (Carnivore's Bible) of suposedly old-time food prep and storage for $36.69 Once you agree to pay they pass you on to another page offering an up-sell to several other survival type "reports" (Carnivore's Bible Platinum Package) in which the wording decieves one to believe that the up-grade is rolled in for a new price of $47. Actually, when you have paid, it is revealed that the up-sell is an entirely separte charge added on to the origional $36 purchace for a new total of $83. BEWARE.