This Co placed an ad on Craigslist for a sales rep. After sending my resume, a man named "Manny" responded. Not only was he illustrating a lack of professionaloism, the most egregious part was his TOTal lack of honesty. He is selling a generic (Sonic Care) toothbrush to dentists and pharmacies. If he is so dishonest, I can only imagine the efficiency of the product he is hawking. Don't bother with this person, calling himself a "human being"
Nu-Life Medical & Surgical Supplies Inc Reviews
This Co placed an ad on Craigslist for a sales rep. After sending my resume, a man named "Manny" responded. Not only was he illustrating a lack of professionaloism, the most egregious part was his TOTal lack of honesty. He is selling a generic (Sonic Care) toothbrush to dentists and pharmacies. If he is so dishonest, I can only imagine the efficiency of the product he is hawking. Don't bother with this person, calling himself a "human being"