Well I purchased like to say ever since they installed these water meters that are digital and yes they're smart meter so they say they are inaccurate not correct and the water company will not take the time to look into it they would rather build the customers and extreme amount and profit from it and not give two links about it they would rather disconnect their long-term customers rather than actually giving them the benefit of the doubt and looking into it please meters are incorrect or in accurate and faulty the senses brand especially A lot of counties have already abandoned this brand of meter and this county will yet to look into that meanwhile the bills keep going up and up and up all the neighbors have the same problem this is why I am reporting this to this webpage because they are scammers ripoff artist/f* sticks.
North Vernon Sewage Treatment Reviews
Well I purchased like to say ever since they installed these water meters that are digital and yes they're smart meter so they say they are inaccurate not correct and the water company will not take the time to look into it they would rather build the customers and extreme amount and profit from it and not give two links about it they would rather disconnect their long-term customers rather than actually giving them the benefit of the doubt and looking into it please meters are incorrect or in accurate and faulty the senses brand especially A lot of counties have already abandoned this brand of meter and this county will yet to look into that meanwhile the bills keep going up and up and up all the neighbors have the same problem this is why I am reporting this to this webpage because they are scammers ripoff artist/f* sticks.