Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for. High interest rates along with balloon structured pay-offs make it nearly impossible to complete the loan even after full term of on time payments. Finding out something as simple as a pay-off is difficult and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount. Early payment penalties are put into place and the worst thing of all I've ever heard is the balloon payment which in my case is $4500 due at end of 30 month term, but if payment is not received in full then your monthly payment will continue until you can pay it in full even though you've completed your contractual obligation outside of the balloon payment. Please brothers and sisters out there if you're looking for a finance company to get you on the road trust me this is definitely not the one. They've changed their name from ES Equipment to North Mill Equipment finance due to backlash. Try other options.
EFS Credit aka Northmill Equipment Finance in Norwalk CT is trying to steal money from us since we want to pay off our truck early! If this isn't resolved to our satisfaction, we are going to write to the District Attorney in CT and obtain legal advice from an attorney on how to proceed with a law suit.
I have a copy of an amortization schedule showing the breakdown of payments to EFS. However according to them, we still owe over $72,000 instead of the $55,821 showing on the schedule.
I also have a "contract" that was NEVER signed or initialed by a representative of EFS.
I am complete in agreement with the above reviews! "Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for" and "and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount".
North Mill Equipment Finance (EFS Credit) THIEVES!!!
EFS Credit aka Northmill Equipment Finance in Norwalk CT is trying to steal money from us since we want to pay off our truck early! If this isn't resolved to our satisfaction, we are going to write to the District Attorney in CT and obtain legal advice from an attorney on how to proceed with a law suit.
I have a copy of an amortization schedule showing the breakdown of payments to EFS. However according to them, we still owe over $72,000 instead of the $55,821 showing on the schedule.
I also have a "contract" that was NEVER signed or initialed by a representative of EFS.
I am complete in agreement with the above reviews! "Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for" and "and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount".
North Mill Equipment Finance (EFS Credit) THIEVES!!!
EFS Credit is trying to steal money from us since we want to pay off our truck early! If this isn't resolved to our satisfaction, we are going to write to the District Attorney in CT and obtain legal advice from an attorney on how to proceed with a law suit.
I have a copy of an amortization schedule showing the breakdown of payments to EFS. However according to them, we still owe over $72,000 instead of the $55,821 showing on the schedule.
I also have a "contract" that was NEVER signed or initialed by a representative of EFS.
I am complete in agreement with the above review! "Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for" and "and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount".
North Mill Equipment Finance LLC Reviews
Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for. High interest rates along with balloon structured pay-offs make it nearly impossible to complete the loan even after full term of on time payments. Finding out something as simple as a pay-off is difficult and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount. Early payment penalties are put into place and the worst thing of all I've ever heard is the balloon payment which in my case is $4500 due at end of 30 month term, but if payment is not received in full then your monthly payment will continue until you can pay it in full even though you've completed your contractual obligation outside of the balloon payment. Please brothers and sisters out there if you're looking for a finance company to get you on the road trust me this is definitely not the one. They've changed their name from ES Equipment to North Mill Equipment finance due to backlash. Try other options.
EFS Credit aka Northmill Equipment Finance in Norwalk CT is trying to steal money from us since we want to pay off our truck early! If this isn't resolved to our satisfaction, we are going to write to the District Attorney in CT and obtain legal advice from an attorney on how to proceed with a law suit.
I have a copy of an amortization schedule showing the breakdown of payments to EFS. However according to them, we still owe over $72,000 instead of the $55,821 showing on the schedule.
I also have a "contract" that was NEVER signed or initialed by a representative of EFS.
I am complete in agreement with the above reviews! "Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for" and "and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount".
North Mill Equipment Finance (EFS Credit) THIEVES!!!
EFS Credit aka Northmill Equipment Finance in Norwalk CT is trying to steal money from us since we want to pay off our truck early! If this isn't resolved to our satisfaction, we are going to write to the District Attorney in CT and obtain legal advice from an attorney on how to proceed with a law suit.
I have a copy of an amortization schedule showing the breakdown of payments to EFS. However according to them, we still owe over $72,000 instead of the $55,821 showing on the schedule.
I also have a "contract" that was NEVER signed or initialed by a representative of EFS.
I am complete in agreement with the above reviews! "Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for" and "and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount".
North Mill Equipment Finance (EFS Credit) THIEVES!!!
EFS Credit is trying to steal money from us since we want to pay off our truck early! If this isn't resolved to our satisfaction, we are going to write to the District Attorney in CT and obtain legal advice from an attorney on how to proceed with a law suit.
I have a copy of an amortization schedule showing the breakdown of payments to EFS. However according to them, we still owe over $72,000 instead of the $55,821 showing on the schedule.
I also have a "contract" that was NEVER signed or initialed by a representative of EFS.
I am complete in agreement with the above review! "Predatory lending practices designed to cheat the honest working man out of the equipment that they are trying to pay for" and "and even then no interest is deducted from the pay-off amount".