On the order of the Probate Court of Limestone County and in connection with a petition for commitment filed with the Court, this examiner interviews the above-named individual in the offices of Decatur Morgan Hospital, West Campus on May 3, 2021, and the persons present for the assessment are Ms. Leone, a Mental Health Tech, and this examiner. (Note: There was no mental health tech in the room with me and Mr. Wilhoite during the interview.)
Ms. Leone is a 68-year-old single, Caucasian female, and she appears her stated age. Ms. Leone’s medical record documents that she denies any previous psychiatric treatment, and she denies any psychotropic medications having been prescribed for her in the past. (Note: It appears that absolutely no one had authorization to review my medical records, including the prescription list from the pharmacist.)
Per her Decatur Morgan West medical record, Ms. Leone’s “home mediations” are listed as “Lotrel 5/10mg two tablets daily (hypertension) and Celebrex 100mg twice daily (NSAID – chronic pain).” Since being admitted to Decatur Morgan West on April 27, 2021, her diagnoses per Dr. Yelena Chistyakova are “Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type; Insomnia due to Medical Disorder; Nonadherence to medication; and Paranoid Disorder,” and prescribed medications are documented to include “Psyllium Hydrophilic Mucilloid (Note: Metamucil for short) one packet daily; Trazodone 50mg as needed for insomnia; (Note: Not provided at first) Amlodipine10mg daily; Benazepril 20mg (Note: Amlodipine/Benazepril usually taken as a blended formula called Lotrel) daily; Celecoxil 100mg taken twice daily; (Note: Known as Celebrex) and Docusate Sodium (Note: Known as a stool softener) 100mg daily.”
Additional diagnoses per Dr. Allen J. Schmidt include “Hypertension; (Note: Covered already) Neck and back pain; (Note: No medication was provided) Possible Urinary Tract Infection; (Note: I would know if this were true) Dry Eyes; (Note: Still needed due to Cataract surgery) Dry Lips; (Note: Did not have access to mine) history of Diabetes; (Note: I have never been diagnosed with Diabetes nor taken any medication for this) Hypokalemia; (Note: Low potassium but have never been alerted by my doctor, blood work every 6 months) and Abnormal EKG.”
(Note: My doctor never directed me to have an EKG, she checked my heart at every visit) Ms. Leone’s medical record documents that she has not been administered any “PRN” medications. (Note: All this means is a set schedule to take medications prescribed by a physician!!!) Ms. Leone denies that she has been the subject of a petition for commitment in the past, and this examiner is unable to find any information to the contrary.
Ms. Leone is agreeable to participate in the assessment today, and she appears to make an effort to respond to the questions asked of her. At the time this examiner goes to meet with Ms. Leone, she is brought to the Conference Room down the hall from the lobby of the hospital by a Mental Health Tech.
Affect and mood are blunted (Note: Blunted affect is a severe restriction in the display and intensity of emotions. It is characterized by an individual’s inability to express his feelings either verbally or nonverbally. OUTRAGEOUS!!!) and “worried about my dogs,” i.e. she states that she has a dog that is fourteen years old and is concerned that he will die before she returns home. She states that she is not experiencing any difficulties associated with depression or mania, and she feels that her rights are being ignored (Note: How about VIOLATED ALL MY RIGHTS) due to her not receiving notice of the hearing last week.
She reports that is she had been informed of the proceeding she would have contacted an attorney in Huntsville who would be a “bulldog” (Note: How about PITBULL) for her rights. Thought content appears to be free of formal thought disorder and goal directed. At the outset of the assessment, she is informed that a petition has been filed with the Limestone County Probate Court for commitment, (Note: I was there in Court and knew a Petition was filed for Involuntary Commitment) and this examiner has been ordered to conduct this assessment to determine if further treatment may be warranted.
(Note: Hold the phone, was someone trying to have me committed to an institution permanently???) She is informed that the Court will decide her status at the scheduled hearing on this petition on May 6, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. This examiner is unable to elicit signs or symptoms of pressured speech, flight of ideas, racing thought, or thought blocking.
Associations appear to be intact. Ms. Leone is oriented to person, place, time, and situation. Ms. Leone is able to recall three of three items immediately after they are presented to her, and she is able to recall three of three items approximately two minutes later. When asked to name the last three Presidents of the United States, she replies, “Biden, Trump, and Obama.”
Ms. Leone is asked to interpret a proverb, i.e. “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones,” and she replies, “everybody makes mistakes, and if you throw stones, be prepared to receive some. ‘Judge not that ye be not judged.’” When asked about her appetite, she reports that “It is good at home, but I cannot eat the food here (DMW).
(Note: What is this DMW, Detroit’s Most Wanted, Dead Man Walking, Database Mining Workstation, Data Management Workbench, Doctor of Midwifery, Data Migration Wizard, Daily Minimum Wage, Dance Music World????) Everything is bland and over-cooked,” and her hospital record documents that she is eating “0% to 100%” of the meals prepared for her. She appears to be a well-nourished individual. When asked about her sleep patterns, Ms. Leone reports that she did not sleep much last night, and she reports that the night shift Mental Health Tech kept opening her door every fifteen to twenty minutes. “He creeped me out.”
(Note: I mostly remember just one man continually opening the door to my room. Susan was moved to my room and I asked why she slept in her clothes and wore her shoes. She stated that sometimes she was messed with, but I did not pursue the conversation.) At the time of the assessment, she does appear to be sleepy.
Her hospital record documents that she has been observed to sleep from seven hours (5/1-2/2021) to eight hours (4/28-29/2021). (Note: There was too much light in the room for me and the noise from the personnel was sometimes way too loud) Ms. Leone is assessed for signs and symptoms of hallucinations, i.e., auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, olfactory hallucinations, (Note: Confusion of smells???) gustatory hallucinations, (Note: Involves the sense of taste) and tactile hallucinations, (Note: Involves a sensation of physical contact with an imaginary object) and she denies such experiences.
Regarding possible delusional content, (Note: Unshakeable beliefs???) Ms. Leone is asked about any recent/current experiences with delusional content, i.e., paranoia, (Note: Thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, to the point of irrationality) religious delusions, (Note: Involves intense religiously-based irrational thinking) ideas of reference, (Note: A belief that certain gestures, environmental cues, comments, etc. are directed at you) thought broadcasting, (Note: A condition that makes someone believe that someone else can hear their thoughts) somatic delusions, (Note: A false belief that your bodily functions are abnormal) delusions of grandeur, (Note: A false belief that you are better and more skilled than you really are) and delusions of thought insertions/extraction, (Note: When a person believes that someone else is doing the thinking for them/when someone believes that someone else is removing their thoughts) and she acknowledges feelings of concern about people hiding under her mobile home.
She makes reports of various occasions when she had someone to inspect under her home for service of her central HVAC, and she states that each time someone has needed to get under her home, there is a barrier in the way that should not be there, i.e., things placed in front of her access door. (Note: My home has been stripped of critical equipment, i.e., raw materials storage bin, cluttered with what looked like mattresses, see Lovelace Heat/AC, Home First insurance adjusters, see also AFS customer fact sheet for concerns of structural integrity and proof of destruction, DHR’s Dean Johnson should have documented the beginning damage) to the under-carriage of her mobile home.
(Note: I live in a Clayton Manufactured Home, big difference) She talks about “Stacey Suki and Keith Suki,” two people whom she suspects are homeless and staying under her home. (Note: Stacey and Keith ‘Suki’ lived in the house across the street from my home, then they seemed to be homeless and constantly disturbing my home and property) Other than these several statements, she denies paranoia, delusions of grandeur, Ideas of reference, delusions of thought insertion/extraction, thought broadcasting, somatic delusions, and religious delusions. Ms. Leone denies current suicidal thoughts, and she states that her faith would view suicide as taking that which only God should take, i.e., her life.
This examiner is unable to elicit any current signs or symptoms of suicidal ideations. When asked about homicidal ideations, Ms. Leone denies any thoughts of harming other people, and this examiner is unable to elicit current signs or symptoms of homicidal ideations. Ms. Leone acknowledges past use of alcoholic beverages, and she states that she “occasionally drinks some wine.”
She also reports some marijuana use in the past when she was much younger, but she denies any recent or current use. She denies use of cocaine, methamphetamines, and other illicit drugs, and the results of a urinary drug screen taken at the time of her admission to Decatur Morgan West are negative for all “drugs of abuse.” Insight and judgment are assessed to be limited. (Note: A person’s decision-making capability that leads to appropriate conclusions)
This examiner asks Ms. Leone to respond to allegations contained in the petition filed against her, and her responses are recorded below. Ms. Leone is asked if she “has been making a telephone call to her son,” and she states that she talked with her son “because he was someone I thought I could confide in.” She reports that she and her son have had a strained relationship since 2017, and at that time, she stayed with him and his wife after she had an injury and surgery.
(Note: There was NO surgery) She reports that everything was fine “until the money ran out, and then they put me out.” She is asked if she told her son that “DEA removed sixty million ($60,000,000) dollars’ worth of drugs from her house,” and she states that her neighbor told her this. Ms. Leone reports that she goes out to her chicken house three times daily to feed her chickens, to check on their water and to ensure they are getting exercise, and one more time in the evening to close the “trap door” that allows them to go in and out of their area.
She believes that if there was any action by the DEA, it must have happened while she was tending to her chickens. She is asked if she told her son that “a neighbor is trying to steal her property,” and she states that “Stacey Suki and her son, Keith” want her out of the home so they can take the property to build a house in the middle of her 1.7 acres of land.
She reports being upset that someone she has tried to help in the past by giving them eggs would try to displace her. She is asked if she “said U.S. Marshalls removed people from under her trailer,” and she replies, “That is what the neighbor said.” She denies that she saw this, but she reports this is what her neighbor told her.
She is asked if she “told her son that people were living under trailer and they were from Amarillo, Texas,” and she states that “they are from Oklahoma but are wanted in Amarillo, Texas for sodomy and murder of an 84-year-old woman.” She also reports that this person whom she refers to as “Big Steve” has also been involved in other crimes of the same nature.
Regarding the people, i.e., “They are drug dealers, rapists, and murderers,” she reports, “One is wanted for murder in New York City, and Stacey (Suki) went to prison due to sodomy with an animal.” She is asked if she “asked her son if he knew of a company where she could hire an armed security guard to stay at her property,” and she reports that her son told her that he doubted she could get an armed guard to stay her property.
Finally, she is asked if “The next day she called her son and asked if he had a gun she could have,” and she reports that she asked if he had any of his father’s guns she could have. He reportedly said that they are jammed, she reports that she does not have any bullets for her own gun.
Before concluding this evaluation, this examiner administers the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE-2) to assess Ms. Leone’s level of cognitive functioning. The results are below. In the sphere of “Registration,” Ms. Leone is able to recall three of three words immediately after they are presented to her. In the sphere of “orientation To Time,” she is oriented to “year,” “season,” “month of the year,” “day of the week,” and “date.”
In the sphere of “Orientation To Time,” she is oriented to “year,” “season,” “month of the year,” “day of the week,” and “date.” In the sphere of Orientation To Place,” she is oriented to “state,” “county,” “city/town,” “building,” and “floor of the building.” In the sphere of “Recall,” she is able to recall three of three words approximately two minutes after their initial presentation.
In the sphere of “Naming,” Ms. Leone is able to correctly identify an “eye” and an “ear.” In the sphere of “Repetition,” she is able to correctly repeat a phrase spoken by this examiner, i.e., “It is a lovely, sunny day, but too warm.” In the sphere of “Comprehension,” she is able to correctly identify three shapes on the test form, i.e., circle, square, and triangle. In the sphere of “Reading,” Ms. Leone is able to read a direction on the test form and to perform the action, i.e., “Close your eyes.” In the sphere of “Writing,” she is able to write a sentence of her choosing, i.e., “I miss my dogs, even my brother’s cat.”
In the sphere of “Drawing,” she is able to accurately copy a form on the test form. As a result of her performance on this examination, she scores 29 out of 30, which indicates “normal cognitive functioning.” (Note: A score of 24-30 actually equates to a determination of ‘no cognitive impairment’)
After reviewing available medical records, (Note: Mr. Wilhoite did not have access to any medical records because I never gave anyone permission to do so) after conducting a mental status examination, and after rehearsing the allegations in the petition with Ms. Leone, (Note: Rehearse the allegations!
That statement is ludicrous! Mr. Wilhoite did not have to rehearse anything) this examiner’s diagnostic impressions are Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder and rule out Delusional Disorder, Unspecified. There is a primary diagnostic impression of a mental illness as defined by the Alabama Department of Mental Health and as defined by the Code of Alabama, 1975, and the behaviors reported in the petition (Note: What behaviors! Emily Geary stated in open Court those statements were ‘hearsay’ AND the Judge agreed) and in the medical record (Note: There are NO medical records) appear to be consistent with possible symptoms of the primary diagnostic impression noted above.
At this time, Ms. Leone does not appear to be capable of making a rational and informed decision regarding her treatment needs, but she is not currently assessed to be a threat of substantial harm to herself or others due to current symptoms of a diagnosed mental illness. (Note: Mr. Wilhoite’s statements and diagnostics are predicated on pure fabrication of his own mental feebleness) Therefore, it is this examiner’s opinion that involuntary inpatient commitment to a facility of the Alabama Department of Mental Health is not the least restrictive means of treatment necessary and available to address her treatment needs.
(Note: ‘not the least restrictive means of treatment!!!’ This indicates that the required treatment to provide a realistic opportunity to improve the mentally ill person’s level of functioning in the least confining setting possible is so destructive, devastative, and demeaning to the person who is actually mis-diagnosed for various bad intensions)
In the Matter of: The Petition for the Involuntary Commitment of:
Denise Karen Leone, Respondent
Case No. C3-062
This matter coming before the Court for a hearing on this the 6th day of May, 2021. Those being present in Court were Lemual Ellis Hanback, Petitioner; William G. Mathews, Attorney for the Petitioner; Denise Karen Leone, Respondent; Emily Geary, Court-appointed Guardian ad Litem and Attorney for the Respondent; and Gerald K. Wilhoite, MA, LPC-CS, North Alabama Court Consultants, LLC.
Based upon all evidence presented, including but not limited to the written Court Ordered Evaluation of Gerald K. Wilhoite and the testimony of the said Gerald K. Wilhoite, The Court by clear and convincing evidence finds as follows:
The burden of proof required for inpatient treatment pursuant to 22-52-10.4, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, has not been met.
The burden of proof required for outpatient treatment pursuant to 22-52-10.2, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, has not been met.
It is, therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that The Petition for Involuntary Commitment of Denise Karen Leone is hereby dismissed and all restrictions on her liberties imposed by this Court are hereby released.
North Alabama Court Consultants, LLC. Reviews
On the order of the Probate Court of Limestone County and in connection with a petition for commitment filed with the Court, this examiner interviews the above-named individual in the offices of Decatur Morgan Hospital, West Campus on May 3, 2021, and the persons present for the assessment are Ms. Leone, a Mental Health Tech, and this examiner. (Note: There was no mental health tech in the room with me and Mr. Wilhoite during the interview.)
Ms. Leone is a 68-year-old single, Caucasian female, and she appears her stated age. Ms. Leone’s medical record documents that she denies any previous psychiatric treatment, and she denies any psychotropic medications having been prescribed for her in the past. (Note: It appears that absolutely no one had authorization to review my medical records, including the prescription list from the pharmacist.)
Per her Decatur Morgan West medical record, Ms. Leone’s “home mediations” are listed as “Lotrel 5/10mg two tablets daily (hypertension) and Celebrex 100mg twice daily (NSAID – chronic pain).” Since being admitted to Decatur Morgan West on April 27, 2021, her diagnoses per Dr. Yelena Chistyakova are “Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type; Insomnia due to Medical Disorder; Nonadherence to medication; and Paranoid Disorder,” and prescribed medications are documented to include “Psyllium Hydrophilic Mucilloid (Note: Metamucil for short) one packet daily; Trazodone 50mg as needed for insomnia; (Note: Not provided at first) Amlodipine10mg daily; Benazepril 20mg (Note: Amlodipine/Benazepril usually taken as a blended formula called Lotrel) daily; Celecoxil 100mg taken twice daily; (Note: Known as Celebrex) and Docusate Sodium (Note: Known as a stool softener) 100mg daily.”
Additional diagnoses per Dr. Allen J. Schmidt include “Hypertension; (Note: Covered already) Neck and back pain; (Note: No medication was provided) Possible Urinary Tract Infection; (Note: I would know if this were true) Dry Eyes; (Note: Still needed due to Cataract surgery) Dry Lips; (Note: Did not have access to mine) history of Diabetes; (Note: I have never been diagnosed with Diabetes nor taken any medication for this) Hypokalemia; (Note: Low potassium but have never been alerted by my doctor, blood work every 6 months) and Abnormal EKG.”
(Note: My doctor never directed me to have an EKG, she checked my heart at every visit) Ms. Leone’s medical record documents that she has not been administered any “PRN” medications. (Note: All this means is a set schedule to take medications prescribed by a physician!!!) Ms. Leone denies that she has been the subject of a petition for commitment in the past, and this examiner is unable to find any information to the contrary.
Ms. Leone is agreeable to participate in the assessment today, and she appears to make an effort to respond to the questions asked of her. At the time this examiner goes to meet with Ms. Leone, she is brought to the Conference Room down the hall from the lobby of the hospital by a Mental Health Tech.
Affect and mood are blunted (Note: Blunted affect is a severe restriction in the display and intensity of emotions. It is characterized by an individual’s inability to express his feelings either verbally or nonverbally. OUTRAGEOUS!!!) and “worried about my dogs,” i.e. she states that she has a dog that is fourteen years old and is concerned that he will die before she returns home. She states that she is not experiencing any difficulties associated with depression or mania, and she feels that her rights are being ignored (Note: How about VIOLATED ALL MY RIGHTS) due to her not receiving notice of the hearing last week.
She reports that is she had been informed of the proceeding she would have contacted an attorney in Huntsville who would be a “bulldog” (Note: How about PITBULL) for her rights. Thought content appears to be free of formal thought disorder and goal directed. At the outset of the assessment, she is informed that a petition has been filed with the Limestone County Probate Court for commitment, (Note: I was there in Court and knew a Petition was filed for Involuntary Commitment) and this examiner has been ordered to conduct this assessment to determine if further treatment may be warranted.
(Note: Hold the phone, was someone trying to have me committed to an institution permanently???) She is informed that the Court will decide her status at the scheduled hearing on this petition on May 6, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. This examiner is unable to elicit signs or symptoms of pressured speech, flight of ideas, racing thought, or thought blocking.
Associations appear to be intact. Ms. Leone is oriented to person, place, time, and situation. Ms. Leone is able to recall three of three items immediately after they are presented to her, and she is able to recall three of three items approximately two minutes later. When asked to name the last three Presidents of the United States, she replies, “Biden, Trump, and Obama.”
Ms. Leone is asked to interpret a proverb, i.e. “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones,” and she replies, “everybody makes mistakes, and if you throw stones, be prepared to receive some. ‘Judge not that ye be not judged.’” When asked about her appetite, she reports that “It is good at home, but I cannot eat the food here (DMW).
(Note: What is this DMW, Detroit’s Most Wanted, Dead Man Walking, Database Mining Workstation, Data Management Workbench, Doctor of Midwifery, Data Migration Wizard, Daily Minimum Wage, Dance Music World????) Everything is bland and over-cooked,” and her hospital record documents that she is eating “0% to 100%” of the meals prepared for her. She appears to be a well-nourished individual. When asked about her sleep patterns, Ms. Leone reports that she did not sleep much last night, and she reports that the night shift Mental Health Tech kept opening her door every fifteen to twenty minutes. “He creeped me out.”
(Note: I mostly remember just one man continually opening the door to my room. Susan was moved to my room and I asked why she slept in her clothes and wore her shoes. She stated that sometimes she was messed with, but I did not pursue the conversation.) At the time of the assessment, she does appear to be sleepy.
Her hospital record documents that she has been observed to sleep from seven hours (5/1-2/2021) to eight hours (4/28-29/2021). (Note: There was too much light in the room for me and the noise from the personnel was sometimes way too loud) Ms. Leone is assessed for signs and symptoms of hallucinations, i.e., auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, olfactory hallucinations, (Note: Confusion of smells???) gustatory hallucinations, (Note: Involves the sense of taste) and tactile hallucinations, (Note: Involves a sensation of physical contact with an imaginary object) and she denies such experiences.
Regarding possible delusional content, (Note: Unshakeable beliefs???) Ms. Leone is asked about any recent/current experiences with delusional content, i.e., paranoia, (Note: Thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, to the point of irrationality) religious delusions, (Note: Involves intense religiously-based irrational thinking) ideas of reference, (Note: A belief that certain gestures, environmental cues, comments, etc. are directed at you) thought broadcasting, (Note: A condition that makes someone believe that someone else can hear their thoughts) somatic delusions, (Note: A false belief that your bodily functions are abnormal) delusions of grandeur, (Note: A false belief that you are better and more skilled than you really are) and delusions of thought insertions/extraction, (Note: When a person believes that someone else is doing the thinking for them/when someone believes that someone else is removing their thoughts) and she acknowledges feelings of concern about people hiding under her mobile home.
She makes reports of various occasions when she had someone to inspect under her home for service of her central HVAC, and she states that each time someone has needed to get under her home, there is a barrier in the way that should not be there, i.e., things placed in front of her access door. (Note: My home has been stripped of critical equipment, i.e., raw materials storage bin, cluttered with what looked like mattresses, see Lovelace Heat/AC, Home First insurance adjusters, see also AFS customer fact sheet for concerns of structural integrity and proof of destruction, DHR’s Dean Johnson should have documented the beginning damage) to the under-carriage of her mobile home.
(Note: I live in a Clayton Manufactured Home, big difference) She talks about “Stacey Suki and Keith Suki,” two people whom she suspects are homeless and staying under her home. (Note: Stacey and Keith ‘Suki’ lived in the house across the street from my home, then they seemed to be homeless and constantly disturbing my home and property) Other than these several statements, she denies paranoia, delusions of grandeur, Ideas of reference, delusions of thought insertion/extraction, thought broadcasting, somatic delusions, and religious delusions. Ms. Leone denies current suicidal thoughts, and she states that her faith would view suicide as taking that which only God should take, i.e., her life.
This examiner is unable to elicit any current signs or symptoms of suicidal ideations. When asked about homicidal ideations, Ms. Leone denies any thoughts of harming other people, and this examiner is unable to elicit current signs or symptoms of homicidal ideations. Ms. Leone acknowledges past use of alcoholic beverages, and she states that she “occasionally drinks some wine.”
She also reports some marijuana use in the past when she was much younger, but she denies any recent or current use. She denies use of cocaine, methamphetamines, and other illicit drugs, and the results of a urinary drug screen taken at the time of her admission to Decatur Morgan West are negative for all “drugs of abuse.” Insight and judgment are assessed to be limited. (Note: A person’s decision-making capability that leads to appropriate conclusions)
This examiner asks Ms. Leone to respond to allegations contained in the petition filed against her, and her responses are recorded below. Ms. Leone is asked if she “has been making a telephone call to her son,” and she states that she talked with her son “because he was someone I thought I could confide in.” She reports that she and her son have had a strained relationship since 2017, and at that time, she stayed with him and his wife after she had an injury and surgery.
(Note: There was NO surgery) She reports that everything was fine “until the money ran out, and then they put me out.” She is asked if she told her son that “DEA removed sixty million ($60,000,000) dollars’ worth of drugs from her house,” and she states that her neighbor told her this. Ms. Leone reports that she goes out to her chicken house three times daily to feed her chickens, to check on their water and to ensure they are getting exercise, and one more time in the evening to close the “trap door” that allows them to go in and out of their area.
She believes that if there was any action by the DEA, it must have happened while she was tending to her chickens. She is asked if she told her son that “a neighbor is trying to steal her property,” and she states that “Stacey Suki and her son, Keith” want her out of the home so they can take the property to build a house in the middle of her 1.7 acres of land.
She reports being upset that someone she has tried to help in the past by giving them eggs would try to displace her. She is asked if she “said U.S. Marshalls removed people from under her trailer,” and she replies, “That is what the neighbor said.” She denies that she saw this, but she reports this is what her neighbor told her.
She is asked if she “told her son that people were living under trailer and they were from Amarillo, Texas,” and she states that “they are from Oklahoma but are wanted in Amarillo, Texas for sodomy and murder of an 84-year-old woman.” She also reports that this person whom she refers to as “Big Steve” has also been involved in other crimes of the same nature.
Regarding the people, i.e., “They are drug dealers, rapists, and murderers,” she reports, “One is wanted for murder in New York City, and Stacey (Suki) went to prison due to sodomy with an animal.” She is asked if she “asked her son if he knew of a company where she could hire an armed security guard to stay at her property,” and she reports that her son told her that he doubted she could get an armed guard to stay her property.
Finally, she is asked if “The next day she called her son and asked if he had a gun she could have,” and she reports that she asked if he had any of his father’s guns she could have. He reportedly said that they are jammed, she reports that she does not have any bullets for her own gun.
Before concluding this evaluation, this examiner administers the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE-2) to assess Ms. Leone’s level of cognitive functioning. The results are below. In the sphere of “Registration,” Ms. Leone is able to recall three of three words immediately after they are presented to her. In the sphere of “orientation To Time,” she is oriented to “year,” “season,” “month of the year,” “day of the week,” and “date.”
In the sphere of “Orientation To Time,” she is oriented to “year,” “season,” “month of the year,” “day of the week,” and “date.” In the sphere of Orientation To Place,” she is oriented to “state,” “county,” “city/town,” “building,” and “floor of the building.” In the sphere of “Recall,” she is able to recall three of three words approximately two minutes after their initial presentation.
In the sphere of “Naming,” Ms. Leone is able to correctly identify an “eye” and an “ear.” In the sphere of “Repetition,” she is able to correctly repeat a phrase spoken by this examiner, i.e., “It is a lovely, sunny day, but too warm.” In the sphere of “Comprehension,” she is able to correctly identify three shapes on the test form, i.e., circle, square, and triangle. In the sphere of “Reading,” Ms. Leone is able to read a direction on the test form and to perform the action, i.e., “Close your eyes.” In the sphere of “Writing,” she is able to write a sentence of her choosing, i.e., “I miss my dogs, even my brother’s cat.”
In the sphere of “Drawing,” she is able to accurately copy a form on the test form. As a result of her performance on this examination, she scores 29 out of 30, which indicates “normal cognitive functioning.” (Note: A score of 24-30 actually equates to a determination of ‘no cognitive impairment’)
After reviewing available medical records, (Note: Mr. Wilhoite did not have access to any medical records because I never gave anyone permission to do so) after conducting a mental status examination, and after rehearsing the allegations in the petition with Ms. Leone, (Note: Rehearse the allegations!
That statement is ludicrous! Mr. Wilhoite did not have to rehearse anything) this examiner’s diagnostic impressions are Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder and rule out Delusional Disorder, Unspecified. There is a primary diagnostic impression of a mental illness as defined by the Alabama Department of Mental Health and as defined by the Code of Alabama, 1975, and the behaviors reported in the petition (Note: What behaviors! Emily Geary stated in open Court those statements were ‘hearsay’ AND the Judge agreed) and in the medical record (Note: There are NO medical records) appear to be consistent with possible symptoms of the primary diagnostic impression noted above.
At this time, Ms. Leone does not appear to be capable of making a rational and informed decision regarding her treatment needs, but she is not currently assessed to be a threat of substantial harm to herself or others due to current symptoms of a diagnosed mental illness. (Note: Mr. Wilhoite’s statements and diagnostics are predicated on pure fabrication of his own mental feebleness) Therefore, it is this examiner’s opinion that involuntary inpatient commitment to a facility of the Alabama Department of Mental Health is not the least restrictive means of treatment necessary and available to address her treatment needs.
(Note: ‘not the least restrictive means of treatment!!!’ This indicates that the required treatment to provide a realistic opportunity to improve the mentally ill person’s level of functioning in the least confining setting possible is so destructive, devastative, and demeaning to the person who is actually mis-diagnosed for various bad intensions)
In the Matter of: The Petition for the Involuntary Commitment of:
Denise Karen Leone, Respondent
Case No. C3-062
This matter coming before the Court for a hearing on this the 6th day of May, 2021. Those being present in Court were Lemual Ellis Hanback, Petitioner; William G. Mathews, Attorney for the Petitioner; Denise Karen Leone, Respondent; Emily Geary, Court-appointed Guardian ad Litem and Attorney for the Respondent; and Gerald K. Wilhoite, MA, LPC-CS, North Alabama Court Consultants, LLC.
Based upon all evidence presented, including but not limited to the written Court Ordered Evaluation of Gerald K. Wilhoite and the testimony of the said Gerald K. Wilhoite, The Court by clear and convincing evidence finds as follows:
The burden of proof required for inpatient treatment pursuant to 22-52-10.4, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, has not been met.
The burden of proof required for outpatient treatment pursuant to 22-52-10.2, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, has not been met.
It is, therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that The Petition for Involuntary Commitment of Denise Karen Leone is hereby dismissed and all restrictions on her liberties imposed by this Court are hereby released.
DONE and ORDERED this the 6th day of May, 2021.