She offered to sell 1 bitcoin for $2000 which I know does sound like a scam from the git go. But not only is she a scammer, she is also guilty of identity theft because she or an associate were impersonating a very trustworthy person who claimed she was a friend and could be trusted.
No telephone calls, all discussions were on Telegram messenger or texting. She even sent me a photo of her driver's license which made me believe her even more. One other strange thing that should have raised a red flag, payment could not be in USD but had to be $2000 in bitcoin.
Needless to say, the reason I am here is because I sent her the .27070 BTC but when I refused to send her any additional BTC for other bitcoins she had promised she quit responding to me. And as I write this the .27070 BTC I sent her is now $2,651.
Nora de Jesus Reviews
She offered to sell 1 bitcoin for $2000 which I know does sound like a scam from the git go. But not only is she a scammer, she is also guilty of identity theft because she or an associate were impersonating a very trustworthy person who claimed she was a friend and could be trusted.
No telephone calls, all discussions were on Telegram messenger or texting. She even sent me a photo of her driver's license which made me believe her even more. One other strange thing that should have raised a red flag, payment could not be in USD but had to be $2000 in bitcoin.
Needless to say, the reason I am here is because I sent her the .27070 BTC but when I refused to send her any additional BTC for other bitcoins she had promised she quit responding to me. And as I write this the .27070 BTC I sent her is now $2,651.
Beware of Nora de Jesus