Beware of this organization if you are seeking a loan modification. They claim to be non profit but their end game is to get you to pay money to an attorney. I spent much time and effort with these people only to find out they had not done what they said they would do. They told me I needed to pay an attorney service for 'Investigation and Research' because my mortgage lender was not responding, which was not true. They did not send the documents the lender was requesting. Go to NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America). This is the legitimate NACA.
This company is a ripoff and talk about that they could help you lower mortgage payments and reduces your interest and is not true 5 years later every thing going to be the same. I pay 12,500 pdollars for nothing because everything they say was fake talk and plus the company wanna me to pay more money for they could help me more, don't believe everything they say because is just pure trash yes they talk to you lovely and with good friendly communication but at the end is just fake talk, don't waste your money. Is pure trash and fake paper work, They promises you that you could get a lot more money when the demand starts with the bank and you could get like 80, 000 dollars no F*ck way don't believe it please.
Non-Profit Alliance of Consumer Advocates Reviews
Beware of this organization if you are seeking a loan modification. They claim to be non profit but their end game is to get you to pay money to an attorney. I spent much time and effort with these people only to find out they had not done what they said they would do. They told me I needed to pay an attorney service for 'Investigation and Research' because my mortgage lender was not responding, which was not true. They did not send the documents the lender was requesting. Go to NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America). This is the legitimate NACA.
This company is a ripoff and talk about that they could help you lower mortgage payments and reduces your interest and is not true 5 years later every thing going to be the same. I pay 12,500 pdollars for nothing because everything they say was fake talk and plus the company wanna me to pay more money for they could help me more, don't believe everything they say because is just pure trash yes they talk to you lovely and with good friendly communication but at the end is just fake talk, don't waste your money. Is pure trash and fake paper work, They promises you that you could get a lot more money when the demand starts with the bank and you could get like 80, 000 dollars no F*ck way don't believe it please.