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Nicole Brune Illustrations

Country United States
State Florida
City Wellington

Nicole Brune Illustrations Reviews

  • Apr 18, 2023

Nicole Brune is a vile and contemptible woman who has been lying to everybody for over 15 years about who the real artist of the painting Sea Siren is. It’s the painting that launched her fraudulent pin-up artist career and has brainwashed thousands of fans into admiring her amateur art, including Steve and Josie Stevens who hired her to create an embarrassing painting of Josie which Steve transferred to his custom guitar. E! Entertainment also screwed up on a major level and featured the art thief’s elementary school finger painting on their TV show Married To Rock. More on this later.

Armando Huerta’s art is the most stolen art in the world so it doesn’t come as a surprise that an unethical money-hungry fraud like Nicole Brune would try to pass off his work as her own. She’s the female Ricky Carralero and to make things even worse, a Christian. Hypocrite!

Sea Siren is her most popular drawing for obvious reasons. It was partially drawn by her and digitally colored by Armando. Compare Armando’s mermaid art to Nicole’s mermaid and the difference in art styles is like night and day. Who is she trying to kid? Somehow she has managed to fool thousands of people into believing it's her work.

Nicole Brune recently attended MEGACON Orlando and once again, featured Armando Huerta’s art on the banner at her booth. She states that Sea Siren was one of her first professional paintings that she created in 2008. Armando was living with both Nicole and her partner John Roach in 2008 so they were forcing him to do a lot of things that he didn’t want to do, like create art for Nicole which she would then tell everybody was hers.

According to Armando, they were treating him like a “slave”. He eventually got tired of them, had a massive argument, and left. Nicole Brune and John Roach stole My entire business model and even lured Armando Huerta away from Me by promising him more money which of course, he never received. John and Nicole are so incompetent that they couldn’t even make money for the world’s top pin-up artist.

Nicole Brune and John Roach also sold My pin-up merchandise at their booth at Adultcon 2008. Not only are they incompetent, they also couldn’t afford to manufacture their own merchandise. John used to call Me and demand that I send him money from My business to pay Armando since he was unable to.

Here’s a question. If Nicole supposedly created Sea Siren in 2008 then shouldn’t her latest digital artwork titled In a World of My Own be far superior artwork-wise? It’s been 15 years since she claimed to have created Sea Siren so why does In a World of My Own look so amateur?

Answer: Because Nicole Brune didn’t paint Sea Siren. Armando Huerta did.

Nicole Brune is also illegally selling merchandise on her website featuring art by Armando Huerta.

Nicole Brune is a Creepy Stalker

Nicole Brune is not only a fraud of Ricky Carralero magnitude but also a creepy stalker who is so obsessed with Me that she even colored her hair exactly the same as Mine. Scary.

Lorenzo Sperlonga (Partner In Crime)

Lorenzo Sperlonga states:

"He [Armando Huerta] was a formidable artist. I had admired his work since the very beginning. Armando was so good at his art that he even had impostors stealing his name from his paintings. You can say that's the ultimate form of flattery!" If pin-up artist Lorenzo Sperlonga admires Armando and thinks that he's a "formidable artist" then why did he team up with fraud and impostor Nicole and write the foreword for her book The Art of Nicole Brune? Lorenzo Sperlonga is a traitor and a hypocrite.

Josie and Steve Stevens

Billy Idol’s guitarist Steve Stevens and his wife Josie got scammed so hard by Nicole that Steve went out and tattooed her amateur painting of Josie called Madness on his forearm in exactly the same spot I got My pin-up tattoo by Armando Huerta.

Steve Stevens not only destroyed his body by transferring art thief Nicole Brune’s amateur pin-up painting onto it, but also his guitar.

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