Nicholas Davis and his wife or girlfriend Ibaadah Amin are operating a forex options investment trading managed scam in the north nj and nyc areas, nick posts multiple ads on craigslist, backpage and other various advertising sites to lure people into his so called managed traded account investment forex options programs, which are nothing more than a facade to separate you from your hard earned money. This scumbag swindled me out of $700 of my hard earned money, cut communications with me and refuses to give me my money back. He mostly uses money gram, western union, walmart to walmart transaction transfer services paypal and bank wire transfers. Do not, I repeat do not listen to this guy or respond to any of his ads, he will take your money and run away never to be heard from again. The NJ state police and Union NJ police departments have been notified as well as the NY and NJ attorney generals offices as well. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from this guy, he'll say anything to get your money, you have been warned!!!
Nicholas Davis, Ibaadah Amin Reviews
Nicholas Davis and his wife or girlfriend Ibaadah Amin are operating a forex options investment trading managed scam in the north nj and nyc areas, nick posts multiple ads on craigslist, backpage and other various advertising sites to lure people into his so called managed traded account investment forex options programs, which are nothing more than a facade to separate you from your hard earned money. This scumbag swindled me out of $700 of my hard earned money, cut communications with me and refuses to give me my money back. He mostly uses money gram, western union, walmart to walmart transaction transfer services paypal and bank wire transfers. Do not, I repeat do not listen to this guy or respond to any of his ads, he will take your money and run away never to be heard from again. The NJ state police and Union NJ police departments have been notified as well as the NY and NJ attorney generals offices as well. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from this guy, he'll say anything to get your money, you have been warned!!!