Every week they send me toll violations at least 4. which are over $200. I pay for my toll sometimes in cash and other times by check within the 4 day period. I am at my witts end. I am so glad to find this cite. It's nice to know I am not the only one. I have been paying them hundreds of dollars just to get them off my back, but it still doesn't end. How can this be happening? It's a real night mare! Do you want copies of the toll violations?
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Carteret Rahway . Not only on this toll but in other toll stations . I want to believe that this are mistakes of good faith but I certainly doubt it . I have been receiving too many violations when I am pretty sure I Paid all the tolls .
They Apply a 50 dollars admin fee which is ridiculous. I must say that the problem began After Covid 19 restrictions were released and collectors went back to the stations. Tolls by Mail was working with no problems. Charging Unfair Penalties Carteret New Jersey.
1. My tags were and have been EXPIRED for about two years 6850) - NOT "6950".
2. My vehicle is a "Ford" SUV that IS NOT operational and was not operational on 05/31/2018, date of incident.
3. I was NEVER in that area, and NO ONE had my tags.
4. This is an act of incompetnece and/or corruption, and someone should be held accountable. Anyone in such a position should have crossed-referenced the tag through MVA/DMV -- this is ridiculous.
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Reviews
Every week they send me toll violations at least 4. which are over $200. I pay for my toll sometimes in cash and other times by check within the 4 day period. I am at my witts end. I am so glad to find this cite. It's nice to know I am not the only one. I have been paying them hundreds of dollars just to get them off my back, but it still doesn't end. How can this be happening? It's a real night mare! Do you want copies of the toll violations?
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Carteret Rahway . Not only on this toll but in other toll stations . I want to believe that this are mistakes of good faith but I certainly doubt it . I have been receiving too many violations when I am pretty sure I Paid all the tolls .
They Apply a 50 dollars admin fee which is ridiculous. I must say that the problem began After Covid 19 restrictions were released and collectors went back to the stations. Tolls by Mail was working with no problems. Charging Unfair Penalties Carteret New Jersey.
1. My tags were and have been EXPIRED for about two years 6850) - NOT "6950".
2. My vehicle is a "Ford" SUV that IS NOT operational and was not operational on 05/31/2018, date of incident.
3. I was NEVER in that area, and NO ONE had my tags.
4. This is an act of incompetnece and/or corruption, and someone should be held accountable. Anyone in such a position should have crossed-referenced the tag through MVA/DMV -- this is ridiculous.
5. Contacting NJTA has been ineffective.