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Country United States
State California
City Irvine
Address 30 Mauchly
Phone 877-929-9920

NeurotriS Reviews

  • Apr 1, 2016
  • 1 2 3 4 5

I ordered the Pico Facial Toner by Neurotris. Upon receiving it, I used it once. After use, I became dizzy, had neck pain and a headache. I tried to contact customer service numerous time to no avail.

I filed a stop payment with the credit card company. I received a very irate call from the company - telling me that I can no longer return it because I had it too long ( I had it 1 day!!!!) He then "threatened" me with his legal department (please!). He then agreed to take back the unit AFTER he received the money back from the credit card company. After we hung up, I then tried to contact the nurse and she did respond with additional information on usage - this was helpful. However, I did decide to keep the unit, but sadly all the symptoms all came back and now it's too late to return..

The problem is - they did not list any side effects - the only statement is: "if you have seizures, or cancer, etc - don't use it".... What kind of statement is that? Too vague...

In my opinion, this should never be sold to "individuals" and should be for professional use only.

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  • 1 2 3 4 5