I purchased a highend automobile that included a transferable extended warranty. I politely attempted to begin the transfer and filed all the required information needed for a typical transfer. Wasn't more than a week and they sent back the paperwork with a bogus excuse that the car was modified to the extent that it would cause damage. They had complete knowledge of this vehicle as they origianlly accepted the car and took the buyers $4000. Now to transfer it, they denied it. They are a rip off. DO NOT PURCHASE A WARRANTY FROM ANY DEALER FROM THIS COMPANY. They are look for excuses not to approve repairs, since they must approve them before the work begins.
National Warranty Corporation Reviews
I purchased a highend automobile that included a transferable extended warranty. I politely attempted to begin the transfer and filed all the required information needed for a typical transfer. Wasn't more than a week and they sent back the paperwork with a bogus excuse that the car was modified to the extent that it would cause damage. They had complete knowledge of this vehicle as they origianlly accepted the car and took the buyers $4000. Now to transfer it, they denied it. They are a rip off. DO NOT PURCHASE A WARRANTY FROM ANY DEALER FROM THIS COMPANY. They are look for excuses not to approve repairs, since they must approve them before the work begins.