This guy puts on a manipulatve story in the attempt of getting his money back for purchased store products. The products that he returns are not the original product(s) bought. Be careful with this guy, and if doing business with him verify his credentials and products. He goes by the name of Nathan, or the Goat God as a music engineer. He can easily be found online, so I suggest checking his social media and other information on line first. It could save you some trouble.
Nathan Lemuel Pollonais Reviews
This guy puts on a manipulatve story in the attempt of getting his money back for purchased store products. The products that he returns are not the original product(s) bought. Be careful with this guy, and if doing business with him verify his credentials and products. He goes by the name of Nathan, or the Goat God as a music engineer. He can easily be found online, so I suggest checking his social media and other information on line first. It could save you some trouble.