Amazon is allowing or covering crooks that import low quality counterfeit product from China and use the NAPCO name to sell it on the Internet. Amazon will not warrant the product as long as NAPCO and our customers return counterfeit product to NAPCO (not made or sold by NAPCO) for credit. Amazon advertizes the product as NAPCO made "Made in the USA" and ships counterfeit "look alike" product. I have mounds of Amazon Fufilled product returned from customers that failed within NAPCO warranty but not covered by Amazon because they have a shorter warranty. I do not sell through Amazon. Amazon will not work with non Amazon sellers. The good name of NAPCO is being smeared by Amazon and my business is being destroyed. I was told that I needed to barcode all of my product to protect myself from the damage to the NAPCO brand. I followed that advise and the problem only grows. Amazon needs to take this seriousely and stop covering the fraud and counterfeiting. This is a serious legal exposure that is growing exponentially. I attempted tp past all of the history for you to read. Amazon does not allow that.However, if you check your record of the last 5 years you will find you have much of the history. I am fed up with the fraud and counterfeiting. This will not continue.
Napco Inc. Reviews
Amazon is allowing or covering crooks that import low quality counterfeit product from China and use the NAPCO name to sell it on the Internet. Amazon will not warrant the product as long as NAPCO and our customers return counterfeit product to NAPCO (not made or sold by NAPCO) for credit. Amazon advertizes the product as NAPCO made "Made in the USA" and ships counterfeit "look alike" product. I have mounds of Amazon Fufilled product returned from customers that failed within NAPCO warranty but not covered by Amazon because they have a shorter warranty. I do not sell through Amazon. Amazon will not work with non Amazon sellers. The good name of NAPCO is being smeared by Amazon and my business is being destroyed. I was told that I needed to barcode all of my product to protect myself from the damage to the NAPCO brand. I followed that advise and the problem only grows. Amazon needs to take this seriousely and stop covering the fraud and counterfeiting. This is a serious legal exposure that is growing exponentially. I attempted tp past all of the history for you to read. Amazon does not allow that.However, if you check your record of the last 5 years you will find you have much of the history. I am fed up with the fraud and counterfeiting. This will not continue.