Please be aware that if you give your money to this company and they can't provide the services they were paid to provide, you mat not get your money back. Although the COVID-19 situation was unfortunate, this company was paid $2,150 through my son's high school choir foundation for a trip to Washington DC in March. At no fault of MCI or us, that trip was canceled due to COVID-19.
Well, we have no accounting of where our money went and have received a refund of $891 (41%) and a flight voucher for our 16-year-old son that he will never use. My question is, where is the rest of my money? Who has it and why haven't you gotten it back from them if you don't have it? Hotels are giving refunds, aren't they? Why am I on the hook for it when this company made all of the arrangements and has the direct relationship with the 3rd party entities?
They were paid to provide a service and they could not provide it. Someone is profiting off of this without ever providing the services they were paid to provide. I have been trying for months and they just stopped responding. This is just a warning to anyone else. Before you pay, just be aware that if the trip has to be canceled, your money may be gone forever. Before you give money to your school's group, check to see who they are working with.
Music Contact International Reviews
Please be aware that if you give your money to this company and they can't provide the services they were paid to provide, you mat not get your money back. Although the COVID-19 situation was unfortunate, this company was paid $2,150 through my son's high school choir foundation for a trip to Washington DC in March. At no fault of MCI or us, that trip was canceled due to COVID-19.
Well, we have no accounting of where our money went and have received a refund of $891 (41%) and a flight voucher for our 16-year-old son that he will never use. My question is, where is the rest of my money? Who has it and why haven't you gotten it back from them if you don't have it? Hotels are giving refunds, aren't they? Why am I on the hook for it when this company made all of the arrangements and has the direct relationship with the 3rd party entities?
They were paid to provide a service and they could not provide it. Someone is profiting off of this without ever providing the services they were paid to provide. I have been trying for months and they just stopped responding. This is just a warning to anyone else. Before you pay, just be aware that if the trip has to be canceled, your money may be gone forever. Before you give money to your school's group, check to see who they are working with.