These folks will write down your credit card number after you stay with them and keep it on file, which is against the law actually. How do I know, long story short: We stayed one year and then the following year we called to stay (took them two days to call us back) and we asked for a night. They never asked for our credit card number and never explained their cancellation policy.
The day of our arrival, i-90 was closed because of a death on the road in the pass. We called to cancel and left a voicemail as they never answer the phone. Guess what? They charged our card for two days. Yep. They had to have pulled up our credit card detail from a stay that was a year previous. Stay somewhere closer anyways, in the park, as it will take you like 45 minutes to make it to Paradise from their spot. The fact they 'stole' our credit card detail is pathetic on their part.
Mounthaven Resort Reviews
These folks will write down your credit card number after you stay with them and keep it on file, which is against the law actually. How do I know, long story short: We stayed one year and then the following year we called to stay (took them two days to call us back) and we asked for a night. They never asked for our credit card number and never explained their cancellation policy.
The day of our arrival, i-90 was closed because of a death on the road in the pass. We called to cancel and left a voicemail as they never answer the phone. Guess what? They charged our card for two days. Yep. They had to have pulled up our credit card detail from a stay that was a year previous. Stay somewhere closer anyways, in the park, as it will take you like 45 minutes to make it to Paradise from their spot. The fact they 'stole' our credit card detail is pathetic on their part.