The trike has a battery that is supposed to give extra boost when it's hard to pedal, but that doesn't work. Also, the trike will sometimes suddenly veer sharply to the left, and I have crashed into curbs several times, and have nearly hit cars. I had my husband try it out (he's very able-bodied) and he had the same issues. I have tried to get a refund from the company, but they have consistently ignored me. I have written to my State's Senator, my State's Attorney General, the BBB, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Federal Trade Commission.
They have contacted Mobility 4 Less, and they also were ignored. I am a senior on a teeny fixed income, but I wanted to be able to get exercise and fun after some strokes I had. So now I have debt that will be difficult to pay off, and I have a trike that can't be used. Other people have had the same complaints as me. Mobility for Less is specifically targeting seniors and people with disabilities. This place needs to be shut down! And I want my money back
Mobility 4 Less Reviews
The trike has a battery that is supposed to give extra boost when it's hard to pedal, but that doesn't work. Also, the trike will sometimes suddenly veer sharply to the left, and I have crashed into curbs several times, and have nearly hit cars. I had my husband try it out (he's very able-bodied) and he had the same issues. I have tried to get a refund from the company, but they have consistently ignored me. I have written to my State's Senator, my State's Attorney General, the BBB, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Federal Trade Commission.
They have contacted Mobility 4 Less, and they also were ignored. I am a senior on a teeny fixed income, but I wanted to be able to get exercise and fun after some strokes I had. So now I have debt that will be difficult to pay off, and I have a trike that can't be used. Other people have had the same complaints as me. Mobility for Less is specifically targeting seniors and people with disabilities. This place needs to be shut down! And I want my money back