We brought our Chrysler 300 to Miner Automotive under the impression that it was a legitimate,Insured buisness with qualified staff.3,500.00 later,We found out that we basically had hired a random,unqualified person to handle a large,complicated job.
They use a Bizpedia file number as a buisness licence number(no filing coplaints with the BBB),The guy claims to be ASE certifed but never took the tests to recive the proper certification to repair vehicles for the public.We have spent more money repairing his "repairs" than what he even charged us.
Since Miner's Automotive is not registerd to do business in AZ, the only legal recourse we have is to file a small claims court complaint.
Miner's Automotive LLC Reviews
We brought our Chrysler 300 to Miner Automotive under the impression that it was a legitimate,Insured buisness with qualified staff.3,500.00 later,We found out that we basically had hired a random,unqualified person to handle a large,complicated job.
They use a Bizpedia file number as a buisness licence number(no filing coplaints with the BBB),The guy claims to be ASE certifed but never took the tests to recive the proper certification to repair vehicles for the public.We have spent more money repairing his "repairs" than what he even charged us.
Since Miner's Automotive is not registerd to do business in AZ, the only legal recourse we have is to file a small claims court complaint.