Be aware of this customer. Credit card charge will follow. Called customer, somebody actually picked up. When asked to verify address, name and credit card number, was told to wait, waited for 3-4 minutes. Then asked whats his name, was told to wait again. Then he said "I can't find your order confirmation. I said "what is your name? What is your address? No answer. Do not accept order from this customer, save your money!!!!
I told him to pay with PayPal, he said he can't of some other BS.
Milind Patil Reviews
Be aware of this customer. Credit card charge will follow. Called customer, somebody actually picked up. When asked to verify address, name and credit card number, was told to wait, waited for 3-4 minutes. Then asked whats his name, was told to wait again. Then he said "I can't find your order confirmation. I said "what is your name? What is your address? No answer. Do not accept order from this customer, save your money!!!!
I told him to pay with PayPal, he said he can't of some other BS.