I put a good faith depsoit and a signed contract withthis company. they led me on from jan 2018 through may 2018 with changing things adding easements to property they said was split that was not split. went to a title company and had a new deed drawn up wtih a easement when our contract clearly stated no easement. they never put our good faith money into a escrow account and gained nterest on our money which is illegal to not put earnest money into escrow with in 3 business days. i have many corrospndences from both owners on we will open escorw this day then this day to we are ready to close on monday now wednesday all the while they were still listing this property at a hgher price then sold to us for. ultimately we recieve a email they went ahead and sold the property from under us and did not return our money for weeks then sent a personal check showing no escrow again illegal as keeping land marketed and not pended to get a higher price. they owners are very rude and are scammers. i have all corrospndence on this land for proof you may email me at yahoo.com. please do not buy from these scammers. they listed this proerty as a split 39 acre parcel that was not split. many illegal things took palce with this land and i dont wnat others to loose their money or land. stay away from this business they also advertise on land hub and others i will update as needed.
Mile High Rural Land Reviews
I put a good faith depsoit and a signed contract withthis company. they led me on from jan 2018 through may 2018 with changing things adding easements to property they said was split that was not split. went to a title company and had a new deed drawn up wtih a easement when our contract clearly stated no easement. they never put our good faith money into a escrow account and gained nterest on our money which is illegal to not put earnest money into escrow with in 3 business days. i have many corrospndences from both owners on we will open escorw this day then this day to we are ready to close on monday now wednesday all the while they were still listing this property at a hgher price then sold to us for. ultimately we recieve a email they went ahead and sold the property from under us and did not return our money for weeks then sent a personal check showing no escrow again illegal as keeping land marketed and not pended to get a higher price. they owners are very rude and are scammers. i have all corrospndence on this land for proof you may email me at yahoo.com. please do not buy from these scammers. they listed this proerty as a split 39 acre parcel that was not split. many illegal things took palce with this land and i dont wnat others to loose their money or land. stay away from this business they also advertise on land hub and others i will update as needed.