This individual lies constantly to people i guess he’s learned that over the years to lying to cover up the owner of points west commercial trucks. He promises to take care of customer complaints and it never happens. To top this he tells you stories about the owner of the company and how he owes this liar micheal over $100,000.00 if this was try the idiot would have moved on. Micheal james pennie is a constant liar
Micheal James Pennie Reviews
This individual lies constantly to people i guess he’s learned that over the years to lying to cover up the owner of points west commercial trucks. He promises to take care of customer complaints and it never happens. To top this he tells you stories about the owner of the company and how he owes this liar micheal over $100,000.00 if this was try the idiot would have moved on. Micheal james pennie is a constant liar