DO NOT USE!!! ... STAY AWAY from him and his company! Unless you like being lied to and slowly tortured. His experience counts for nothing! He likes the hit or miss approach to submitting plans and applications. No communication at all, I felt like I had a 3rd job getting updates and revisions for over 2 years.
Likes to say applications were submitted when they were NOT. Would NOT recommend to anyone. I am getting sick/upset thinking how terrible this business was to me and what a waste of time & money. Glad I hired a new firm.
Michael Dunn Architect Reviews
DO NOT USE!!! ... STAY AWAY from him and his company! Unless you like being lied to and slowly tortured. His experience counts for nothing! He likes the hit or miss approach to submitting plans and applications. No communication at all, I felt like I had a 3rd job getting updates and revisions for over 2 years.
Likes to say applications were submitted when they were NOT. Would NOT recommend to anyone. I am getting sick/upset thinking how terrible this business was to me and what a waste of time & money. Glad I hired a new firm.