Vendetta: Metrostlouis African American Male supervisors and African American Male bus drivers are stalking and harassing female riders who've won old lawsuits against Bi-State Development. The general culture at Metrobus is junior-high, at best: jealous of passengers, bullying, very aggressive male flirting, spreading unsubstantiated rumors about passengers, etc., ALL on video.
AA male supervisors are so jealous of female passengers that they're tracking bus passes and instructing the Least Common Denominators to harass boarding passengers, ALL on video.
Only in STL will you find this degree of ignorant, completely ungrateful bullies working for a Union.
MetroBus Reviews
Vendetta: Metrostlouis African American Male supervisors and African American Male bus drivers are stalking and harassing female riders who've won old lawsuits against Bi-State Development. The general culture at Metrobus is junior-high, at best: jealous of passengers, bullying, very aggressive male flirting, spreading unsubstantiated rumors about passengers, etc., ALL on video.
AA male supervisors are so jealous of female passengers that they're tracking bus passes and instructing the Least Common Denominators to harass boarding passengers, ALL on video.
Only in STL will you find this degree of ignorant, completely ungrateful bullies working for a Union.