First of all who gives these low lifes the RIGHT to take my property in the middle of the night/morning like some kind of car jacker?
ILLEGALLY towed my car from MY apartment complex Like low life snakes EARLY AS HELL in the morning. No reason to do so, Said my registration was expired which was a LIE because i had confirmation from the DMV that my registration was renewed. I dont know if those bums dont have enough money or what, but it was completely unacceptable. Said it was a error from DMV which was also a BOLDFACED LIE as i had renewed my registration 3 weeks prior, and they had drove by my car multiple times between those 3 weeks.
These people patrol the parking lot like raggedy vultures looking for people to tow away. Whatever redneck i talked to on the phone was also disrespectful, as i was irate my vehicle was towed away for no reason. THEY ARE CRIMINALS LOOKING FOR A COME UP. DMV error my A*S If my computer can show my reg was Good their's should have too.
THEY do this to anybody regardless if they have children disability and or has their car with the hazard lights on. CRIMINALS TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE. Whoever runs this place is a scumbag
McLaughlin Towing and Recovery Reviews
First of all who gives these low lifes the RIGHT to take my property in the middle of the night/morning like some kind of car jacker?
ILLEGALLY towed my car from MY apartment complex Like low life snakes EARLY AS HELL in the morning. No reason to do so, Said my registration was expired which was a LIE because i had confirmation from the DMV that my registration was renewed. I dont know if those bums dont have enough money or what, but it was completely unacceptable. Said it was a error from DMV which was also a BOLDFACED LIE as i had renewed my registration 3 weeks prior, and they had drove by my car multiple times between those 3 weeks.
These people patrol the parking lot like raggedy vultures looking for people to tow away. Whatever redneck i talked to on the phone was also disrespectful, as i was irate my vehicle was towed away for no reason. THEY ARE CRIMINALS LOOKING FOR A COME UP. DMV error my A*S If my computer can show my reg was Good their's should have too.
THEY do this to anybody regardless if they have children disability and or has their car with the hazard lights on. CRIMINALS TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE. Whoever runs this place is a scumbag