Its a total fraud call center company in India and Canada. We offer different types of call center services such as logistics bpo, healthcare bpo, digital publishing, Back office services, and Finance & Accounting related services.
We can not deliver good services. At that time the company always show 22 years of experience but at that time 2 to 3 employees are experienced rest are fresher. He will not pay a salary for employees timely, he always thinks about how to save money by double-crossing for the employee.
Max BPO Reviews
Its a total fraud call center company in India and Canada. We offer different types of call center services such as logistics bpo, healthcare bpo, digital publishing, Back office services, and Finance & Accounting related services.
We can not deliver good services. At that time the company always show 22 years of experience but at that time 2 to 3 employees are experienced rest are fresher. He will not pay a salary for employees timely, he always thinks about how to save money by double-crossing for the employee.