MHSS purports to be a business development organization. We entered into a contrat with them to help us develop our market share. According to their contract they were to make a set number of phone calls over a specified period of time which would result in a specific amount of sales opportunities.
The data that they provided us for the time we contracted was akin to data from a phone book. We sell racking materials and this type of information is of no use to ourselves. We payed quite a sum of money to have services performed. They never provided these sevices and when we confronted us with this information and voiced our dissatisfaction, they sued us.
Material Handling Sales Solutions Reviews
MHSS purports to be a business development organization. We entered into a contrat with them to help us develop our market share. According to their contract they were to make a set number of phone calls over a specified period of time which would result in a specific amount of sales opportunities.
The data that they provided us for the time we contracted was akin to data from a phone book. We sell racking materials and this type of information is of no use to ourselves. We payed quite a sum of money to have services performed. They never provided these sevices and when we confronted us with this information and voiced our dissatisfaction, they sued us.